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Nasal Polyp Surgery Overview

Nasal Polyp Surgery is a surgical procedure done to remove polyps from the lining of the nasal and sinus passageways. This procedure is also known as Polypectomy.

Nasal polyp surgery is performed by an ENT specialist in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. The procedure usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete. Generally, the recovery after the surgery is quick and effortless.
Surgery Name Nasal Polyp Surgery
Alternative Name Polypectomy
Conditions Treated Asthma, Chronic sinus, Sleeplessness, Aneurysms
Benefits of the Surgery Improves breathing, Restores smell sensation, Reduces sinus pressure or infections
Treated By Otolaryngologist (ENT specialist)

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What is Nasal Polyp Surgery?

Nasal Polyp Surgery or Polypectomy is a surgical procedure done to remove polyps from the lining of the nasal and sinus passageways. The type of procedure required to remove the polyp depends on where the polyps are located in the nasal cavity.

Nasal polyps are noncancerous (benign) growths that may resemble a cluster of grapes. They may be located near the front of your nose or farther back, in your sinuses. They primarily cause breathing problems, loss of olfaction and the development of ongoing and chronic infections in the surrounding area.


Anatomy and Physiology of Nasal Cavity

  1. The nasal cavity is referred to the interior of the nose. It extends from the external opening (nostrils) to the pharynx (upper section of the throat) and thus is the first of a series of structures which forms the respiratory system.
  2. The cavity is separated down from the middle by a cartilage known as the nasal septum.
  3. Further, the nasal cavity can be divided into:
    1. Nasal vestibule: the dilated area at the nostril.
    2. Respiratory section: the passage through which air enters and exits the body
    3. Olfactory region: the region which contains receptors for smell sensations.
  4. The cavity is entirely lined by the nasal mucosa which forms the physical barrier of the body’s immune system.
  5. The structures within the nasal cavity regulate the flow of the air into the respiratory system, regulate the sense of smell, and also is responsible for protecting against the invasion of infectious and allergenic pathogens.

Conditions treated with Nasal Polyp Surgery

Nasal polyp surgery is generally performed to remove the polyps from the nasal cavity. However, undergoing nasal polyp surgery also help treated conditions such as:

  1. Asthma
  2. Chronic sinus
  3. Sleeplessness
  4. Aneurysms
  5. Sinusitis




How is Nasal Polyp Surgery performed?

Nasal polyp surgery is a minimally invasive surgery that usually takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete depending upon the patient’s age, other medical conditions of the patient, number and size of the polyps. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia to keep the patient comfortable. The procedure is performed by an ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist along with other professional medical staff. The following steps are involved during the procedure:

    1. The surgeon will advise the patient to be supine on the operation table. In this position, the patient will be lying down on his back.
    2. The anesthesiologist will administer general anaesthesia to prevent any discomfort during the surgery.
    3. No incisions will be made at any stage of the surgery, and the entire procedure is performed through the nose.
    4. Once the patient’s condition stabilises after the anaesthesia administration, the surgeon will start the procedure.
    5. A surgeon can conduct the surgery by two techniques. The technique chosen depends on the location of the polyp in the nose.
      1. Intranasal polypectomy: 
        1. If the polyp is easily located in the nose, the surgeon conducts an intranasal polypectomy.
        2. The surgeon uses a small surgical grasper to remove the polyp.
        3. In the case of larger polyps, the surgeon may be able to remove them using an instrument called a microdebrider.
      2. Endoscopic nasal polypectomy:
        1. The surgeon will insert a small tube with a lighted magnifying lens or tiny camera (endoscope) into the nostrils to identify the location of the polyp.
        2. This is the surgeon to see the polyps more clearly, especially when the growths are located deep in the cavities.
        3. Once the surgeon locates the polyps, he/she removes them with a microdebrider or surgical graspers.
    6. Then the patient is will be moved to the hospital ward so that he/she can recover.

Benefits of Nasal Polyp Surgery

Tonsillectomy is a safe procedure that helps improve the quality of life of an individual. The benefits of tonsillectomy include:

  1. Reduce the frequency and severity of strep throat and other bacterial infections
  2. Lesser dependency on medications for tonsil pain
  3. Improved sleep

Risks and complications of Tonsillectomy

Nasal polyp surgery is a simple and safe procedure with several benefits that helps improve the quality of life of an individual. Below mentioned are some of the benefits of nasal polyp surgery.

  1. Improve breathing function
  2. Prevents rare but serious problems like complex sinusitis
  3. Relief from congestion and nasal obstruction
  4. Restore the sense of smell
  5. Reduces sinus pressure or infections

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